Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1/18/2012 Hump Day!

Well it's Wed...hump day.  I'm having a hard time getting over the hump today.  Long day.  Had a little insomnia last night.  My youngest Finley, who I talked about yesterday got up at 11:30 last night to get a drink, which turned into a 15-20 minute discussion on how could I buy generic (no name brand) chocolate syrup.  It's just not the same as Hershy's, he says! I agree, but I don't tell him that.  I say, well it's cheaper and we go through alot so sometimes it is just best to get the cheaper brand.  Well that is bull, he says. Finally rolls over and goes back to sleep.  So now I'm thinking, what is it about the Hershy's syrup  that is so damn good?  I start to realize, I'm not even tired and it is midnight.  Ugh!! So after a few hours of very crappy television, I force myself to sleep!  Whew....just in time for my little guy to get up at 4 am. Glad I got that hour in. 
     I really needed that hour, had a very emotional evening with my daughter.  She is in a volleyball league.  Mind you, I know nothing about life as it exists. How I could have made it 40 years without her help is beyond me.  Yes 40.  Anyway, she gets her uniform pants on sunday at a scrimmage, They are several sizes off in what we ordered. Go figure, it always works like that with us.  And they are not short enough.  I start to say, well everyone's should be the same length. Well they are not.  I find that hard to believe.  What do I know, I never played volleyball. Well no I was a cheerleader. I believe when I was in high school they didn't wear those, again I have no idea.  After about an hour of volleyball uniform talk (arguments) she stops and says can you get me different ones.  Yes , anything to stop this conversation!  That is my outspoken, head strong, lil mamma of a daughter....Isabella.  So hopefully she will at least wear the capri length volleyball shorts to practice tonight. Haha   That is part of the deal! We will see.  I also picked up my new eyeglasses today, to which I refused the bifocal part, that they recommended.  To be honest, I regretted that ten minutes after I got them and tried to read a magazine.  Oops!  Just turned 40 three weeks ago, I felt they were pushing the bifocal thing. Turns out I need it!  Damn!
I guess my thankful tidbit for the day would be..... Hmmmm it would be.....Bedtime!  Because I know I will be so thankful for it when it comes tonight!

            Until next time.... Crazy Mommy

1 comment:

  1. wow,,i dont know how you do it ,,,but i bet its all a REAL CRACK UP sometimes,,,keep pushin on,,, from "a mom who gets it"
