Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Trying to get over the hump....


Happy Leap Day!   It's very hard trying to explain this day to my younger ones.  They are like huh??  What?  Why?   I just respond with....yea I don't get it either.  Just happens! They bought that response and moved on.  Whew!  Sometimes I can come up with some good ones.  Other times I got nothing! 

Ughhh don't you hate when you eat a cookie or a cracker in bed and you think you had been so careful.  Then you go to get cozy and all of a sudden it's like your laying in a bed of crumbs.  I almost never eat in my room, but I was eating a cracker earlier laying in bed. It looks like I crushed the bag up and dumped it on my bed.  

My middle guy comes in my room earlier and blurts out....shoo weeee what's that horrible smell?  It's me , I tell him.  What is it?  Well it's bio freeze ( BenGay).  The girl and I were working on some volleyball skills yesterday.  Ouch.  I'm sore.  I woke up this morning wondering why I was in so much pain.  Then it clicked.  Volleyball!  Just can't do it like I used to.  Not that I every did that, but it's hard getting older.  Things don't work or bounce back as quick.  It was fun practicing some skills with her though.  Worth the soreness!  She really is a great girl, I'm so proud her. 

Thankful tidbit ......... bedtime.

Until the next time - Crazy Mommy  xo

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crazy ...... but thankful


Well it's National Pancake Day!  My middle guy had an appointment in Westlake today.  So on our way home we stopped at Ihop.  We each got a free stack of pancakes.  Whoo hoo.  This was sure better than Polar Bear Day.   If you didn't know Ihop did that, mark your calendars for February 28 2013.  Free pancakes! 

I'm at musical theater class with the girl.  They also have tumbling, dance, etc..... I'm watching the tumbling class from my car.  Which I have been watching most Tuesday nights since last September.  There is some serious improvement in this class, especially the boy in the class.  The only boy.  He is probably 12 ish.  He could barely do a round off before christmas.  Now he has his back handspring.  Looks awkward but....he is flipping around out there.  To be honest, I'm jealous.  I sure miss flipping around and such.  Don't get me wrong, I can still do the splits with the best of them.   That is about it though.  The Kickworm and splits are about all I have left from my younger days.   Could be worse.  I could have neither!

Another rough afternoon and evening with little man.   Hopefully we can get some things under control soon.  It's very difficult as a parent to feel like you are doing every thing you can and things still are off and disruptive to your house.   It can feel very defeating.  To be honest I feel more and more like that.   I know things can always be worse.  That gets me through alot of days.  Thinking of the people that are worse off with children.  Like these people in Chardon.  So sad!  You send your child to school, where they should be safe and learning.  There is a chance they don't come home.  Gut wrenching.  As  I sit here and think about those parents whose children didn't get to come home yesterday, I'm relieved.  I think it gives me a little more strength and fight to get me through another day, week, or month.    Hug your children every day.  You just never know!  

Thankful tidbit....... That I had three sets of  eyes looking at me when I woke up this morning.   Xo

Crazy mommy is outta here. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Monday!


It's monday that is for sure.  The girl had  a vb tournament again.  First game they got drilled.  The girl again didn't do so well.  I was really getting turned off by this sport.  ( the sport I never played)   Next game comes, they start looking better and so does the girl.  I can see it is starting to click with her.  Whew.  Another tournament this weekend .  Hopefully they will win a few!     Go Devils! 

Little man had several appointments today in  Cleveland.  It is all going pretty well at first.   Then he got upset about something.  It was all down hill from there.  Quickly!!!   It was a very intense emotional day.  Lots and lots of tears.  There is very few smooth days in my life anymore.  Some days I wonder if it will ever calm down.  I truly think no!  I keep praying that it will become calmer.  When you have a child that has several issues, It is difficult to treat.  As upset or angry that he makes me some days .  I always end with the thought that he didn't ask for this life with Aspergers, Sensory issues, ADHD,  and possibly more diagnosis. As weak and inpatient that I  can be, I know that I really need to be the strongest person he knows.  And I will.  

The  middle one is extremely happy that it is National Polar Bear Day. He loves animals.  He asked what do we do on this day.  Ummmmm  I guess you just read a book about Polar Bears.  Wasn't the answer he was looking for I guess.  He just stared at me and went up to his room.  Came back down a little while later and said ......I don't even have a book about Polar Bears.  Hmmmmm  I said just make a story up in your head.   Another long stare.   I should never have said anything.  Note to self!  

Thankful tidbit........   To be home after a very long day!

Crazy mommy is a tired mommy     zzzzzzz

Thursday, February 23, 2012



Happy Thursday everyone!  It's National Banana  Bread Day!  Yum Yum.   That's one thing I have never made.  I have made alot of desserts and breads.  Never banana bread.  I hear it is super easy!  Wish I had some right now.   Mmmmm   FYI  It is also Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day.  To be honest with you, I have never made those either. 

So did everyone get their ashes yesterday, that was supposed to.  My kids have been racking their brains on what they were going to give up for lent.   The girl wanted to give up her cellie.  I thought no.  I need to reach her at times.  So she went with her ipod.  Which I thought was a pretty big sacrifice.   The middle one gave up gum.  Third year in a row.  Which will also be difficult.  He is not a big sweet eater, but loves him some chewing gum.  Little man gave up ice cream.  I'm calling it now, won't last!  We'll see.  I gave up cussing.  Darn it!  Wow I struggled with typing that. 

I can't believe this, but all three of my kids are laying down for bed.  It's 7:45.  Whoo hoo.  It's going to be a good rest of the evening.  I see an uninterrupted bath.  Wow that only happens every blue moon. 

Did everyone see that Zac Efron dropped a condom out of his pocket at the Dr. Suess premire?  What the cuss?  His publicist said recently that he had been trying to shake that Troy Bolton/ High School Musical/ Squeaky Clean Image.  Did it!!  I mean seriously Zac.  Don't boys put condoms in their wallet ?  Especially at a Dr. Suess movie.  Things that make you go hmmmm. 

Thankful tidbit........ Uninterrupted Baths.   Hopefully!!  

Good night.    Crazy Mom!  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Does it ever end?


Does the craziness ever end?  I think not.  After little man being in the hospital and my kids being shuffled around like a deck of cards for a week, I had to take the middle guy to the doctor this morning for a sinus infection and some junky sounding lungs!   It just seems to never slow down.  Just when I think that I just about have this thing figured out.  BAM  something else pops up or it takes off  in high gear again.   What can you do?  Just keep on chugging!  That is what I tell myself .   Just keep on chugging crazy mom! 

I go to the library today, there was a book I wanted to check out.  I get to the desk and the librarian says to me, " Did you know you have 6 items out and 5 of those items were due last friday? "   WTF???? Uhhh no I did not think I had any items out, Miss. Librarian.  I play it off, like oh my goodness I totally left them on the table.  Deep down I'm thinking ......I'm screwed!   I get home and start tearing the house apart looking for..... I'm not sure what I'm looking for, because I couldn't ask her what I had out.    I found one book under a bed, two in my magazine rack, a computer game in the basement, and a movie in the car.   The kicker is.....the movie never even left the car. The computer game wasn't  ever played. The two books in the magazine rack should never had been rented.  One was how to coach hockey. The other was how to coach baseball.  Two adult books.  Where was I when they were renting these items. That's right , I was standing right next to   them, handing these yo yo's my library card !  Whats up with the "librarian" anyway?  Do they still get called librarian? What name is politically correct  for the library workers?  Like the stewardess.  Now they are flight attendants. Don't make that mistake.  I made that mistake once, no peanut packets for that  two hour flight!  Luckily I drank my way through the flight! 

Thankful tidbit....library fees are fairly cheap!!

Until next time -  Crazy Mommy is outta here!   

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm back and crazier than ever!


Well hello there.  Sorry about the huge delay.  We got back home yesterday after being gone for over a week.  The three munchkins and myself under the same roof, feels so good! The little man is out of the hospital and doing better.  Thank goodness.  

So the girl had her first volleyball tournament over the weekend.  I was not sure what to expect.  If you remember I did not play volleyball.  We get there bright and early saturday morning.....this place is a packed mad house.  I'm figuring it out as we go.  The first game comes along and the girl has a horrible way to go. Bad serving, bad setting, bad passing and I'm starting to think what the hell did we get ourselves into.  The game ends and we lose!  She comes over and is crying her big green eyes out .    I felt so bad for her.  I mean she did stink.  I told her, look you have never played and you made this team with all these girls that have been playing for years.  You got the first game out of the way, get out there and play how you are taught.   She got better and better every game and gained some confidence. 

My middle guy is still trying to figure out how to get his own room.  Seriously?  Give it up! You and your brother are 18 months apart, you two will probably share a room for a long time. 

I'm so tired, I have been dragging lately.  Can't seem to get any get up and go.  I'm thinking I totally need some of that Toddler & Tiara gogo juice.  It hops those little girls up, I gotta believe it would hop up a 40 year old.  You know coffee after seven can keep a 40 year old up half the night .   Go go juice has got to be a sure thing. 

How about that dad in North Carolina that shot up his daughters laptop for constantly disrespecting her parents.  You go dad!   How do you like them apples little girl?  Now that is how you get someones attention.  

Thankful tidbit.....    Home!

Crazy mommy is out of here !    Xo

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Happy Belated Valentines Day!

It's been a few days.  I am just letting everyone know that my youngest son is in the hospital.  If my blogs are spotty, please bear with me!  Thanks!!

How was every one's big day?  By big day I mean Valentines Day!  Mine as I said was spent in the hospital with my son.  My other two children spent their evening with my dad.  They went to Cracker Barrel.  YUM!  That sounds so good right now.  I called the girl while they were eating.  She proceeded to tell me what was on her plate!  Jealous I was.  I love the hash brown casserole there. I am sure they  had a nice dinner.

The girl also has a slightly sprained ankle.  This coming Saturday is her first JO Volleyball match!  Go figure!  I am hoping ice and her brace will do the trick.  Keep your fingers crossed.  When she was going to the doctor the other day, I said you may just have to sit out a week.  WHAT???  That was her response.  I have worked so hard, and we are so close to the first match.  Well I guess that means toughing it out.  She didn't like that comment, but it is true.  She has worked hard.  I am very proud of her.

The middle one probably had his last Valentines day at school. Next year he will be in third grade.  I think they stop it then.  I asked him if there was someone special he would like to give a valentine to.  He responded with, everyone in my class deserves a special valentine.  Especially Mark, he is the fastest kid in second grade!  Now you see where his priorities are!  The faster the kid the more important.  I love that innocence in kids.  The are so serious when they say that stuff, and you are ready to bust out laughing .

There is a volunteer in the Ronald McDonald  area of the hospital that I am in.  She is probably 80 ish.  I was totally watching the news as I am typing this.  She comes over to me and says, "Do you mind if I change that channel?" I said no that is fine.  She proceeds to tell me that her favorite show is on.  Oh well that is fine, feel free to change it.  I let her know.  All of a sudden.......Bang Maury Povich is on!  Seriously? Maury? Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy a good .... Who is your baby daddy episode from time to time.  I don't expect this 80 ish year old lady to enjoy this.  She is so tuned in and commenting on everything!  I asked her , "Do you think he will be the baby daddy?"  No way!  That young lady looks awfully nervous.  She blurted back without skipping a beat.

I need to go check back in,  Have a great National Gumdrop Day!

Thankful tidbit.......   Great doctors and old ladies that watch Maury!  

See you all soon!      Crazy mommy is signing off!   xox

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Yummy Day!


As I am laying on my bed surrounded by candy wrappers, I am thanking the dear lord for this National Chocolate Day!   Yum Yum!    I believe this day should be added to the week somehow.  Of course we would have to add National Diabetic Day to the next  24 hours. 

Remember all the info I gave you yesterday about our trip to the Cleveland Clinic.  How the doctors asked my son to just be a good listener.  Which was an insult and a slap in the face because of his issues and disability.  Well he was removed from school today, massive meltdown etc....  Guess that dr couldn't get through to him.  Hmmm  

For all of you that are deciding how you are going to vote this year, let me fill you in on a special tidbit.  Supposedly Republicans have more orgasims than Democrats.   I even re read this a few times to make sure I was correct.  Being that I am a democrat,  ( Insert sad face now)  I wanted to have my facts straight.  Big thumbs up to Mitt Romney.  Lol   

So for dinner this evening, it was a very hard cooked meal of frozen waffles and cereal.  The middle child says, that I'm not going to win an award for this dinner.  Really?  I guess it's a good thing that I'm not looking to win that award.  I am sure I'm not even in the running.  After therapy, doctors appointments, traveling, homework with three kids, emotional breakdown s and removal from school, a perfect looking dinner is not on the menu.  They are lucky I didn't throw a loaf of bread out there and yell......have at it!

I'm off to wash the syrup off the dinner plates. 

Thankful tidbit........  That I can change my vote to republican this year.   Whoop whoop! 

Signing off-     Crazy Mommy   xo

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wacked out Wednesday!


Wacky Wednesday.    I spent most of the day at the Cleveland Clinic with my little guy . He has Aspergers, Adhd and some sensory issues.   He takes several meds a day.  Well they haven't been working like they had been.  He has been having lots and lots of meltdowns mixed with massive Insomnia.  We get very little sleep.After being there all day getting assesed. We were lead to believe they were going to admit him and withdraw him from his meds, then reevaluate to see what he needed.  Then after the third psychiatrist gets done he says.......Well there isn't much we can do for you.  So listen here little guy, you need to listen to your mom and get some sleep tonight.  Ya hear?    WTF?  My eight year old could have told us that at home .   I ask several questions, and get the same response with this asshole I am talking with.  I give up.  I just thank my lucky stars that today is National Fly A Kite Day!  At least we can have some fun after this long and dreadful day!  

Parents really have a tough job.  It is so hard to see your kids struggle.  It is just heart breaking.  Whether your child struggles with academics, social skills, friends, boyfriends, sickness es, or siblings.   You just want to protect them so much, but sometimes there is no answer or fix. You just have to face it, deal with your issues and go on to the next day.  There are days that I just want to scoop them up and never let anything hurt them.  I know you can't always be there or protect them. You just wish you could.  

The girl went to JO Volleyball tonight.   Only home a half hour after school before she had to meet up at carpool.  Boy was she emotional.  Was a rough half hour, lets face it....was a rough day!  

Count your blessings everyday! 

Thankful tidbit......    Thankful for what I have.   Could always be worse.  Some days  I think how could it get worse.  Then I hear a story or see something that makes me thankful for what I have!

Crazy off to take a quick nap! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday madness....


Well it's over!  The superbowl has come and gone.  I consider myself a sports fan (fanatic) , but I'm not really a big superbowl girl.  I feel like the hype and commercials are overrated.  To be honest I actually slept through most of the game last night.  The commercials I did see  were pretty blah, in my opinion.  I woke up in time to eat some chili and watch Madonna.  What did everyone think?  I thought she sounded ok.  Maybe she was lip synching, not sure.  I felt she looked pretty awkward dancing.  However for 50 years old ...  She looked damn good!  I just am happy there was no wardrobe malfunction!  A good good 50 or not,  that's the last thing I want to see.  

My daughter went to a volleyball party this weekend.  The new mom of the year let the girls do blind make-overs.  ???  I was like you are right she is mom of the year!  To let 10 or 12 girls put blindfolds  on and start slinging make up, definitely deserves that award.  Don't get me wrong....... I had that title at one time.  I think it was 2 or 3 years ago, probably a ninth bday party where there was a certain dance contest going on.  I  believe I won that contest by doing the kick worm forward and backward.  I also believe I tried to follow up the next year with some new moves.  Didn't go over as well.   I guess when you turn 10,  your mom dancing at your bday isn't as cool.  Whatever.  

For everyone that is wondering......It's Lame Duck Day!  So for all you lame ducks out there, enjoy! 

Thankful tidbit.......  Help.  I'm thankful for the help I receive from my family.  Thanks!

Until next time -   Crazy mommy  xo

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hello Saturday! It's so nice to see you.


Happy saturday everyone.  I just love saturday's, especially when the bf (boyfriend) takes one of the kids to work with him.   Yep..little man went to work today.  I woke up to a picture   on my phone of him putting boxes together for a rush order that needed shipped.  From what I heard he was kicking butt doing it .They said he could run circles around the guy that normally does it!  

Very excited.....We are going to the Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Dallas Mavericks game tonight.  My first one of the year.   5th row seats!!  Whoo hoo!  Sometimes the closer I am the more intense I become.   Keep your fingers crossed that I make it though the whole game.  Just kidding.  I need to make it through half time.   Ha ha. 

So, I found this list on the internet.  Everyday of the year is a holiday of some sort.  This is the most ludicrous thing I have seen.  Today is  Create a vacuum day.  What the heck?   I know it is crazy.  What is even more crazier is that we missed yesterdays holiday.   National Cordova Ice Worm Day!  I apologize to everyone.  I should have been more on top of this nonsense!  Now we have gone and missed ice worm day.  Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. 

Thankful tidbit.    Cavs tickets.  

See you next time....  Crazy mommy

Thursday, February 2, 2012



Happy Groundhog Day!   Seriously?? What is the deal with this day?  We wait all year for this big fat animal to stumble out of a hole and let us know if our winter is going to be longer or shorter.   My daughter swears by this event every year.  Every year I say, we live in NE Ohio.  We got alot of winter left.  Trust me when I say this.  No way she argues.  I think he is definitely not going to see his shadow this year!   Well lets  be honest if I crawled out of a hole after ( I  am not even sure how long he is down there) and   I saw about 40 television cameras with blaring lights....I would run as quick as I could back down that hole till winter was over.  Do you think all the lights have something to do with frightening this animal?  Things that make you go hmmmmm.     

Speaking of crazy things.  Have you heard in the news this week about that lady that had a 13lb 13 oz baby.  Lets just say round up to an even 14 lbs.  OMG   I am crossing my legs so tight right now.  OUCH!!!!!  Wait for the kicker........No epidural and no C section.   Now that is a real woman.  Real stupid woman maybe, but none the less a real tough lady.  What doctor is saying , sure I think you can shoot a 14 lb object out of your hoohaa.  Not my doctor.  Or at least I would be switching doctors, if he did think I could do that.  I think I would have to say wake me up when it is all over, and my stitches have healed!   Again OUCH!

What about all this birth control being recalled?  Who really knows the name of the birth control they are on? They all sound alike.  I can let you know that I do know the name of mine after this week.  Can you say baby boom !  I think so!  Some day these kids will be like....Mommy was a gift? A gaffe maybe.  Go check your birth control ladies.  Or buy a pregnancy test!  Oops!

Have a great thursday!  

Thankful tidbit.....   Legit birth control.   :)

Until the next crazy time -   Crazy Mommy