Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wacked out Wednesday!


Wacky Wednesday.    I spent most of the day at the Cleveland Clinic with my little guy . He has Aspergers, Adhd and some sensory issues.   He takes several meds a day.  Well they haven't been working like they had been.  He has been having lots and lots of meltdowns mixed with massive Insomnia.  We get very little sleep.After being there all day getting assesed. We were lead to believe they were going to admit him and withdraw him from his meds, then reevaluate to see what he needed.  Then after the third psychiatrist gets done he says.......Well there isn't much we can do for you.  So listen here little guy, you need to listen to your mom and get some sleep tonight.  Ya hear?    WTF?  My eight year old could have told us that at home .   I ask several questions, and get the same response with this asshole I am talking with.  I give up.  I just thank my lucky stars that today is National Fly A Kite Day!  At least we can have some fun after this long and dreadful day!  

Parents really have a tough job.  It is so hard to see your kids struggle.  It is just heart breaking.  Whether your child struggles with academics, social skills, friends, boyfriends, sickness es, or siblings.   You just want to protect them so much, but sometimes there is no answer or fix. You just have to face it, deal with your issues and go on to the next day.  There are days that I just want to scoop them up and never let anything hurt them.  I know you can't always be there or protect them. You just wish you could.  

The girl went to JO Volleyball tonight.   Only home a half hour after school before she had to meet up at carpool.  Boy was she emotional.  Was a rough half hour, lets face it....was a rough day!  

Count your blessings everyday! 

Thankful tidbit......    Thankful for what I have.   Could always be worse.  Some days  I think how could it get worse.  Then I hear a story or see something that makes me thankful for what I have!

Crazy off to take a quick nap! 

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