Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy hump day? I think not !!


It's been a long hump day.....and it's only 5:30.   Little man struggled at school today, was removed from his lengthy day of three hours. Only got an hour and half in.    I thought I would pop my top.   It's crazy, some days I feel like I can take on the world.  Other days I feel like why bother.  I do come to  come to my senses after my mini breakdowns.  He can't help alot of his problems, it is my job to bother.  
Problem number 2....... The playstation 3 is not working.    This is not good.  Not good at all.  The middle one is about to have a breakdown of his own.  This is his get away when little man is on the rampage.  After being on the phone to a far away foreigner, they tell me I need to send it in to get a new disk drive.  Go figure, and would I want to pay the $100 up front  so when I'm ready to send it in, I'm all set! Ummmm NO!  Have a good day Sony and screw off!

The girl is at vb.  I'm one short of a trio tonight.  Well for another hour anyway. She will blow in like a hurricane though.  Always does, especially after vb.   As I was cleaning the boys room today, I found some crazy things.  First of all I found a whole bowl of Goldfish Cracker s.  Now mind you, we have not had those in over two weeks.  Nice, I know.   Then I found two panty liners under their bed.  Clean ones.  The girl is learning all about that at school, and that was her parting gift.  Well the liners were stuck on the bed.  Last but certainly not least, there was a cup with what I'm sure used to have chocolate milk in it.  Not pretty and not a pleasant smell.

Here is an FYI....  It is National Something on a Stick Day.  So ladies if you are stumped on what to make for dinner tonight, or looking for the MOY award.  Get those Corndogs out and start nuking.  Yum yum!  It's also hot tub day.  So you can fill those belly s with food on a stick, then take a relaxing hot tub experience.  I personally think Something on a Stick day should be in July.  In honor of all the shady carnivals and fairs.

Thankful tidbit ........  That I'm out of Corndogs ! 

Crazy mommy is signing off.   xo


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thankful Tuesday


It's thankful Tuesday.  You know what I am thankful for...... That I am not January Jones. ( Aka Betty Draper on Mad Men )  This cuckoo had a baby about 8 months ago. ( Totally not sure how old her baby is)  Anyway, after she had her baby she kept the placenta, dried it out, then made vitamins out of it.   Said something along the line of .....we are one of the few mammals that don't eat our baby s placenta.    Uhhh ughh insert vomit noise now!  I got extremely sick to my stomach thinking it had to come out of me.  Like, I wanted to leave it in.  Betty Draper is a horrible mother anyway, so just goes to show you.  

The girl got a ride to her musical theater class tonight.  Whoo hoo.  Which I am sure my mom is more happier than me.  She had been coming over on Tuesday nights to watch the boys for me.  Thanks mom!   However when the girl was leaving and little man found out where she was going, he became awfully ticked that he had to stay home with me.  You know the worst mom ever,  all my pants are made for big people, and I have a mole on my face that looks like dirt or mud ...... His words not mine!  I thought I deserved the MOY (mom of the year award)  Last week I packed the kids lunches two different days and remembered middle boy s  snack 3 out of 5 days.  According to little man, not deserving of the award.    Hmmmm  I better get it together. 

Every day middle one comes home with stains all over his jeans,  holes in  his coats, clothes ruined  etc...  All from playing football, basketball, dodgeball  or whatever sport he can run,  jump and dive in.  Today he walks in and he is being a little goofy acting.  The girl is standing behind him rolling her eyes.  I actually thought her eyes we're going to get stuck she was moving them around so much.  I ask him how his day was..... He is like fine, it was fine.  The whole time he is saying it I see a big mark/cut on his forehead.  Oh my goodness, what happened.... I ask him.  Oh that, he says.  I was just going up for an interception and when I fell to the ground ( with the ball) some kid ran me over and kicked me in  the face.   I got the interception!  Oh well then, as long as you protected that football in second grade recess.  I guess all is good.  The girl is like dying, still rolling her big green eyes all over the place, saying that any other time he would be crying about that.  I told her to hush, he got the interception.....what more does she want!!   Girls?!?!  This coming from my daughter that informed me she was doing well in her ncaa bb pool at school.   She has 2 of the 4  going into the final four.  Maybe I don't deserve the MOY award.   Reality check!!!!

Thankful Tidbit.....   The girl might win us some $5 for gambling in fifth grade!  Joking, not really thankful for that.  I was hoping it would be $10.

Crazy Mommy is off to enjoy a few more minutes alone!!!!!  Ahhhhh

Monday, March 26, 2012



Another weekend has come and gone quickly.  It's amazing!   It was a very emotional weekend .  Little man has been off.  I'm feeling like I'm holding on by a thread, and that is slipping away as well.  I get so confused with that saying t
hat God wouldn't give you this life  if he didn't think you could handle it.  I am pretty sure I can't handle much more, hopefully God will take note!  I have such a short fuse sometimes ,  I immediatly feel guilty for feeling that way, or out of control.  The last few months I keep feeling like I have used up my alloted amount of tears.  Then just as think that......boom  water works central.  I am aware things really could be worse.  They just are not great for us right now. 

On the bright side of things it is create your own holiday day.   So I'm thinking of something special for myself. 

Omg ......Did you see that some lady dumped white flour all over Kim Kardashian.  I think that is so funny.  She bugs me to death.  I like the others, just not her !  I did however just buy a nail polish from their line.  The one I got was a very pretty red . The name was Sealed With a Kris.  Too bad that didn't last!!  Hopefully the polish last longer than their marriage.   I would love to see someone dump flour all over that Abbie Lee Miller the dance instructor from Dance Moms.  Lol  Now that would be hilarious!!    I am still tuning in though on Tuesday nights.  Crazy I know. 

Thankful tidbit........  The 45 minutes I just had while Little man was in an appointment.   Ahhhh

Crazy mommy is outta here.  Xo

Ps.   My horoscope just came through.  It said if you mess with a Capricorn......they will snap right before your eyes. Ummmmm hello!!   Beware people!!   Lol

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crazy crazy crazy


Ahhhh  Almost bedtime for the kiddies.  Can't wait!  I'm so bummed, I just read that today is National Goof Off Day.  I didn't goof off once today.  Strictly serious.  Note this I will be marking my calendars for next years goof off day. 

Had a mini school conference today for little man.  They basically said he comes three hours a day, maybe 3-4 says a week.  His behavior stinks, he can't focus, behind in his work, hates the teachers etc...... But once he gets a little more stable mentally he should be good.  Hmmmm  Really???? The kicker is as I'm leaving the conference his teacher is walking me to the door, he is in the car with my mom.  I look out and he is shirtless, had a pair of bifocal glasses on, two different winter gloves, one being pink, drinking a coca cola, eating a chocolate bar, waving to us like there is no end in sight.  The teacher and I look at each other, I smile and simply say.......we will see you tomorrow.  Omg!!!!!

Then I get home and I'm out trying to get my lawn mower started, I can see these three people coming down the street on their bicycles.  I am not really paying that much attention than bang.  There is a bicycle accident.  All three collided right in front of my house.  I was like oh my.....are you alright?  I started laughing and laughing.  I kept asking them if they were ok.  The one lady says  ughhhh   I think I sprained my wrist.  I blurt out...well at least you look good.  What in the world was I thinking.   Why would I have said that???  They all look at me like your help is not needed.  I just turned away and slipped back into my house.  About five minutes later an suv shows up, throws the bicycles in, the ladies hop in, and off they go.   Yep I know, crazy stuff! 

Heads up to all you cat lovers.  Tomorrow is cuddle your kitten day!  Meow

Thankful tidbit ......... That little man is sleeping and its 7:30     :)

Until the next time  -  Crazy Mommy  xo

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chocolate hump day....


Well its National Single Parents  Day.  Finally another holiday I can appreciate. Sitting here eating chocolate and thinking about how great life is being a single parent. (Insert sarcasm)  I do like the chocolate part of it. 

I am super tired. Had to take the middle one to the chiropractor this morning.  While I was there I decided to get an adjustment.  I was a hurting pup.  Then took him to school.   Little  man had to stay home today.  There was a substitute, and he is not a nice kid when there is a sub there. He can barely get through three hours of school a day with his regular teacher.   Substitute?? Not a great time!!!    I was spring cleaning like crazy ......every time I walked out of a room he would make a mess.  I was ready to blow my top.  Actually I did a few times.   I especially wasn't happy when he started my morning off by asking me if I feel ugly in the morning.  While he is asking me this, he is looking at me with a crinkled up face, like he definatly felt I looked ugly in the morning.  I told him that I don't always feel very pretty when I wake up.   He responded with one word...... Agreed.   :(    He then held up a pair of my workout pants and said  these can't be yours are way to big for these little pants.  I a nasty tone, they are absolutly mine and no one asked you.   He was great for my self esteem today.  I guess I better put my chocolate away and hit the gym and get my make up on before I leave my bed in morning.  Pinot Noir here I come !  

Thankful tidbit ........ That he just walked in my house and put a flower behind my ear.

Until the next crazy time!   xo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring has sprung !


Happy Spring!  Another gorgeous day and it is only day two of chocolate week.  

The girl is at musical theater class.  She is extremely lucky she got to come. After asking over and over for her to do some chores, I snap.  Then she had the nerve to argue back .  Like really argue.  I was so mad.  I just don't understand why kids think they can say or do what they want.  Well not in my house.  I told her when you get a family you can do it your way.  Until then.....I'm in charge!   Then as we were totally arguing the middle one is tapping me on the shoulder.  I finally snap at him, and say WHAT DO YOU NEED?  He looks at me like I am crazy and asks ......Can I have an apple?   Ummmmm seriously?  Yes get an apple , there is 6 of them on the table.  Then little man says, man she is grouchy.  You betcha!!!

So I decide to run over to the gas station while I'm waiting to pick up a bottle of wine, for later.  I left with the girl in such a huff I left my wallet at home.    I have Dance Moms on tonight.  I might just need to pass on tonights episode.  I normally get  pretty hyped up from all the dance instructor nonsense, not sure I need it this evening.  Especially without wine!  Lol 

Little man had religion today.  It had been several weeks since he had gone.  Boy....he sure missed Sister Mary Allen.  He hugged on her the whole time.  Even listened half the time.  :)   Then asked her if she had a boyfriend.  Well first of all she is a nun, second of all she is almost 80.  It was time to head out at that point. 

Thankful tidbit. ....   45 minutes of religion, I got to clean my purse out.  Finally!

Crazy mommy is crazy and tired! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Laugh, laugh, and chocolate.


It's Monday again.  Doesn't it seem like Monday was just here.  What a great weekend it was. This weather has been wonderful.  I love it .  Im still cautious that we may have one more snow storm, however I'm totally loving this. 

I have got alot of info for you today.  It's National Laugh Day!  Tell your favorite joke.  It's also National Chocolate Week.  Finally, a holiday I can obsess about.  The first chocolate day is Chocolate Caramel.  So get your box of chocolate caramels, and start telling jokes. 

Knock knock......
Who's there?
Irish who?
Irish you a belated happy st. patty's day!!! Now that's a funny!

So the girl had vb this weekend.  A tournament in Toledo.  They won the silver bracket.  It was good for them.  The girl played very well.  I am so proud of her.  It is her first year, and she gets better every week.  She really has that desire.  ;) 

Have you heard about that show on HBO, that is called Luck?  Well .....I'm not totally sure of what it is all about, something about raising race horses , I think.  Three horses have died during production.  Which is very sad. I think it is already airing, I was excited to watch, looked good.  I guess they have canceled the series due to the deaths of these horses.  Luck?  I think not. 

So the bf and I go out for a few hours on Saturday.  Nothing crazy.  His friend owns an Irish bar.  We go have breakfast, then decide we will shoot over to his place for a few beers before it gets crazy.   Wrong!!  At 11 am, there were so many drunk people in one place.  I hate going somewhere when you are totally sober and everyone else is not. It is like you are pregnant and going out for New Years Eve!  Not that much fun.  It turned out ok.  Actually it was great people watching.  I watched a couple that was about 55-60 years old, making out like it was there job.  Seriously?  This lady dropped her sunglasses about three times.  I picked them up for her twice, then the third time I was like  you are on your own lady bird, and  I don't like birds!   Then this other lady comes walking by handing out shots, I asked her how much they were?  Free she said, I made them at home to bring out to bars.  ????  WTH?  Ummm no thanks.  Then we decide we had enough, go to leave and there is two five or six year olds sitting on the black top in the parking lot playing cards.  Like where is your parents?  Probably necking in the bar.  Which I heard that also Saturday.  Necking!  Been awhile since that word was thrown around.  Hope everyone enjoyed their SPD. ( St Patty's Day)

Thankful tidbit ..... Jameson/ soda at 11 am on SPD!

Until next time     -Crazy Mommy xo


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Animal Kingdom


It's Thursday, one more day closer to weekend.  Yahooo.  Except I think I'm getting a cold.  :(    I'm so not happy about that.  However I think I have a new drink.  My mom brought a drink over last night to calm my nerves, she didn't say that but I'm sure thats what it was about.  Anyway its Tequila and Fresca.  Yummy.  I'm not a big Tequila girl, but......  I think I will definatly try a vodka\ fresca.  Sounds refreshing!  

So the middle kid wanted to go to the book fair last night.  This whole book fair discussion has been going on since Saturday or Sunday.  He has been driving me crazy about how much money can he have, if I dont have the money on Tuesday I will have to take him on Wednesday night (which is something I don't want to do).  So bright and early Tuesday morning he is asking how much money....I go to my very light wallet and realize I only have $5.00 in cash and one of those were ripped.  So after I tape it back together he is disappointed that he can only have that much.  I tell him I will get some cash today and give you a little more tomorrow.  Fine.  He comes home with a book, pretty sure he will never read it. I give him some more money on Wednesday morning.  He comes home and says when are we going to the book fair?  WTH???  I asked didn't you go down to the book fair today ? No, for some reason we were only allowed to go on tuesday.....ughhhh  which means we were headed there last night.  All evening he is asking and asking.  I totally try to get out of it.  Had a very long afternoon with little man and his behavior antics, so I wasn't feeling it.  The girl had vb, had to pick her up.  Between dinner, laundry and wanting a Tequila and Fresca  I started feeling guilty.  Lets go I say.  Whew..... Glad we did .  I believe we were the last customers before they closed up shop.  He ends up getting this animal book of some sort.  Looked like alot of animal info.  He then wants to lay with me as I'm heading to bed and tell me all about it.  After an hour of animal kingdom, I tell him it's bedtime.  Five minutes later he is in my room crying that those spiders we had been looking at for all evening long scared him.  He was frightened and scared that they were going to come into his bed.  Ughhhhh  Ok  you can lay with me for awhile , I tell him. Which turned into all night. 

Ncaa basketball tournament  begins today.  Love it!  Go Kentucky Wildcats!  Go Ohio State Buckeyes!    Good Luck!  Maybe I will make a Fresca drink. 

Enjoy National Buzzards Day.

Thankful tidbit .........  Beautiful weather and allergy meds.  

Take some time to enjoy the view.  Xoxo
Crazy mommy

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Love this weather


Oh so tired today.....was up very late finishing my third book of the trilogy 50 Shades of Grey.   I have read all three in about 2 1/2 weeks.  Lets just say WOW!!

Thought we would all go for a walk last night, my mom came over and the whole fam damily heads out for a nice leisurely walk.  Yea right!   Little man chose to ride his bike. About a block into it he has a breakdown, not the bike, him.  He decided he wanted to walk.  I said well you can't walk because you have your bike, and I can't ride it home.  After a huge ordeal, we decide to just head back home.  So about five minutes later the middle one comes running up.  He was bored, so came back to.  At least my mom and the girl had a nice walk.  So we then decide to play some volleyball in the yard.  That was pretty hilarious.  My middle guy was my partner. My mom was the girls.  Little man was the ball boy.  Which is scary when he decides to be the ball boy. He normally gets the ball then just throws it over the fence.  He actually did ok fetching the volleyball.  Lol  which is good because I was tired and getting sore from chasing the ball down.  After awhile I shut the game down, because the girl had musical theater.  She then starts throwing a fit, because its never ever enough and I'm a very boring mom.   Whatever! 

My little guy has slept with me for a few nights. I over hear him talking to his brother. He says well I think I'm moving my stuff into mommy's room, so I guess you will finally get your own room.  This sets the whole evening into a tailspin.  I tell the little are 7, we do not share a room, you share a room with your brother, you are not moving anything into my room.  I then ask the middle one.....why do you believe what he says? You don't believe anything else.  He is not moving or sharing a room with me.  You have a room that you two share.  Get used to it.  Enough with the bedroom already.  He was like....why can't you and little man share a room?   Ughhhhhh  I simply say, its against the law!  

Just want to say Happy Birthday to my dad.  You are a wonderful father and Papa.  Thank you for all your support and unconditional love.  I love you with all my heart!  Enjoy your day!   Xxxooo

Its National Potato Chip Day and No Smoking quit smoking and eat a bag of chips.  Hmmmm

Thankful tidbit......  I'm thankful for my dad!!

Crazy mommy is off to do alot of laundry and cleaning.     :(         xo

Monday, March 12, 2012

Crazy !!


Hope everyone is enjoying Alfred Hitchcock Day!  Seriously it is.  I would be enjoying one of his movies, however I'm not a big suspense movie kind of girl.  I will never forget I watched The Birds when I was pregnant with the girl.  I have not liked, and have almost been creeped out by birds ever sense.  That movie was soooooo creepy and weird.  Ughh   Some people love that sound of that little innocent bird chirping outside on the fence.  Me, I think I hear that chirp, they will be pecking at the window any minute. 
Had alot of running to do today.  Took little man to his monday appointments about an hour away.  Had to take the girl, because she had an orthodontist appointment on the way home.  Then little man had another appointment at 3:30.  The 3:30 appointment was with one of his psychatrist.  We are in the appointment, and he proceeds to tell the doctor that I am a nutjob and I'm crazy.  The doc says well she is in the right place.   Considering we are at the psych hospital.  We then had to explain that somehow we had one of his stuffed animals when we got home last week after our/his app.  Which was embarrassing.  The dr says hmmmm I didn't even know that was missing or I even had that.  Open mouth insert foot.  Anyway he knows now about my sons sticky fingers. 

The middle one wants to know when he can have his own room.......Is he kidding me with that?  He has asked me this question about 50 times in the last two months.  What the heck !?  He then says , well can I have a basketball hoop?   Ummmmm maybe.   It just doesn't end.   

Thankful tidbit .......  That tomorrow is Jewel Day!    Yea!!

Crazy mommy is  well..... Crazy.  Xo

Sunday, March 11, 2012



Good morning.  It's a beautiful day!  So glad the kids get to play outside some.  Hopefully they will run some energy off.  Had a pretty calm weekend.  Thank goodness, because today through Thursday I have 2-3 appointments a day.  Time to start gearing up.  

I was trying to make some copies of photos yesterday.  Wow what a hassle.  Went to a Wallgreens, I look and look for my memory card could not find it.  Finally just decide to make a copy or two from my phone SD card.  Sit at the machine and the 16 year old girl says oh that machine isn't working.  Seriously?  I had been standing here for 10 minutes in front of you looking and figuring it out.  You decide to tell me now.  I pack it up and leave.  Then go to Target.  The machine won't load my card.  Ughhh  so ther other machine starts working, and the two pics I want are not on the memory card.  They were in my gallery, not on the card.   Ughhhhh  I leave and go to Starbucks.  Try loading the pics and sending them through my phone to Cvs.  Yea  I get a confirmation , order went through.  I get there and the pics are 4x6.  I wanted 8x7. So I say can I just make a copy and make these bigger?  Sure after these 15 people get their passport pictures done .  Ummmm forget it. Totally forget it.  Other than that.   Calm as can be!  Now it's Sunday...getting ready to watch Kentucky and Ohio State basketball.  Can't wait!  Have a great day!

Thankful tidbit.....  Relaxation!

Until next time.  -  Crazy mommy  xo

Thursday, March 8, 2012

StopKony !!


It's been a fairly calm evening.  I have a few hours left, but at least I have some sanity left.  Doesn't happen often.  My daughter and I were having some discussion on people with glasses etc ....actually she was talking to me while I was doing dishes and getting a bath ready for one if the boys.  So I wasn't totally listening.  Anyway she was telling me about some kid that got or had glasses and some boys at school were teasing them about being a nerd.  The middle one comes running downstairs all put out yelling at her in total defense.......saying how there are several kids in his class that have glasses and one of the boys kicks the farther than most kids in second grade.   She says first of all I was telling a story, I don't think that.   I told a similar story like this around Valentines Day.  Just goes to show  you what is important to an 8 yr old.  Who kicks the farthest, who runs fastest, who makes the most touchdowns in recess. 

The girl watched that video on that nut job Joseph Kony.  She is now obsessed wondering how she can help these kids in Uganda not be abducted.  It's amazing sometimes to watch your kids really get into something or believe strongly in a effort to make a difference.  As much as I may act like she is a drama queen or mouthy ( she can be), she is such a thoughtful and endearing child. When something moves her, she really puts so much of herself and thought into helping that cause.  She wants us to acknowledge this problem and talk about it .  So  STOPKONY!!!!!   If you are not aware. Go to YouTube and watch the video. 

Totally changing the subject....isn't it really about time that Dick Goddard retires.  I mean my goodness.  He is almost painful to listen to.  All he talks about is getting your cats spayed and neutered. I know I could change the channel and watch another news program, but I like the others.  I think his suit coats are as old as him.  He drives me bananas.

Thankful tidbit ........  A calm evening once a month. 

Until next time - Crazy Mommy  xo

Enjoy Full Moon Day !!!!   I sure will   :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Headache, headache, headache


The girl jammed her finger yesterday, playing Just Dance.  I just cringed knowing she had volleyball tonight.  I did give her the option of staying home from practice.  She said no, it would be ok.  She went. There just isn't much you can do for a jammed finger.  At least  we didn't have a huge fight over it.  There are times when she wants me to do something magical to make something feel better.  As magical as I am,  sometimes I just can't come through. 

The middle guy hated life today.  He took the wrong snack to school.  He took an apple nutrigrain bar when he meant to take some  cheese cracker s with peanut butter.  Was so grouchy over that when he came home.  Then complained all night about being bored.  I was like have a Wii, Playstation 3, way too many toys, books, art supplies, back yard , balls,  golf clubs, etc....  Well he didn't want to play with any of that.  I asked him if he wanted to play cards.  Nope!  I said well you are on your own.  I don't have anything else for you. 

The little man had to go to the ER today.  Had some sort of episode or reaction to something.  Very very scary!  He just goes through so much all the time.  It really breaks my heart .  He said why did God give him this life.  What answer do you give your child when they ask that question.  Especially when they are in the middle of medical crisis.  I hope my baby boy can get some peace in his life soon.  He deserves it. 

Thankful tidbit .........  Migraine meds!!!!!

Good night!  Crazy mommy is zzzzzzzzz

Ps. Tomorrow is Be Nasty Day.  Gives everyone a chance to tell someone off!  You mean that isn't every day?  Joking! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Manic Monday!


It's another Manic Monday....remember that song?  Uh yea, I sure do.   Took little man to Monday morning appointnent in Cleveland.  Went ok.  No crazy happenings today.  Whew.   Only had one appointnent , so we actually got back by noon.  Nice!! 

The girl and her vb team won the silver bracket yesterday.  Was very happy for the team!  On our way home yesterday she keeps asking me all these questions about snow days.  If we get an inch of snow will they cancel?  No!  How about two inches?  On and on.  Ugh she really wanted a snow day.  Well what if it's windy and we get two inches?  I said plan on going!  Are you kidding me?  Wake up this morning and we did get some snow.  I didn't expect to get that much.  All of a sudden I start hearing delays and cancellations.  I said you gotta be kidding me.   Thank goodness it did not affect our school system.  I so could not handle a snow day.  It's all fun and games till 9:30am .  Then they are bored out of their minds.  Want to be entertained.  Not today.  Mom of the year (joking) was off duty!! 

Enjoy Multiple Personalities Day.  I swear I read that.  This one totally fits our house.. We ordered pizza tonight for the celebration.  Whoo hoo

Thankful tidbit ......   Snow plows!   ;)

Until next time -   Crazy mommy  xo

Sunday, March 4, 2012



Good morning!  Well I'm at another vb tournament.  We lost the first one.  On a good note, the girl is playing better.  Looking more comfortable.  Still early though hopefully they can get a few wins and she can keep getting better.    I have a headache and listening to all these whistles and balls bounce is torture. 

The little man is not doing well.  Really struggling.  He is verbally, emotionally, and physically out of control.  He is very hard to deal with.  Lately it has been getting harder and harder every day.  It is very difficult when you feel like you do everything in your power to help or heal your child. Nothing works or is working. Frustrating. I hate to see him that way. People don't like being around him when he is like that. Breaks my heart when people look at him like he is a monster.  I would give anything in this world for him to have some peace.  Hopefully he will find some soon.  I know he doesn't like feeling this way.

It's National Holy Experiment Day!  Hmmmm  I know.   I wonder of it's Holy Experiment Day as in religious holy.   Or HOLY Experiment Day as in that's a crazy experiment.  To each is own.  

Thankful.....  For Advil!!  Ahhh

Crazy mommy is a sad mommy today.  Next game is starting ....wish us well!