Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chocolate hump day....


Well its National Single Parents  Day.  Finally another holiday I can appreciate. Sitting here eating chocolate and thinking about how great life is being a single parent. (Insert sarcasm)  I do like the chocolate part of it. 

I am super tired. Had to take the middle one to the chiropractor this morning.  While I was there I decided to get an adjustment.  I was a hurting pup.  Then took him to school.   Little  man had to stay home today.  There was a substitute, and he is not a nice kid when there is a sub there. He can barely get through three hours of school a day with his regular teacher.   Substitute?? Not a great time!!!    I was spring cleaning like crazy ......every time I walked out of a room he would make a mess.  I was ready to blow my top.  Actually I did a few times.   I especially wasn't happy when he started my morning off by asking me if I feel ugly in the morning.  While he is asking me this, he is looking at me with a crinkled up face, like he definatly felt I looked ugly in the morning.  I told him that I don't always feel very pretty when I wake up.   He responded with one word...... Agreed.   :(    He then held up a pair of my workout pants and said  these can't be yours are way to big for these little pants.  I a nasty tone, they are absolutly mine and no one asked you.   He was great for my self esteem today.  I guess I better put my chocolate away and hit the gym and get my make up on before I leave my bed in morning.  Pinot Noir here I come !  

Thankful tidbit ........ That he just walked in my house and put a flower behind my ear.

Until the next crazy time!   xo

1 comment:

  1. See,,,then it,s all worth the abuse ( haha) .No ,,it really is,,,I think thats why kids were placed in our lives,,,to keep us on our toes,,,& you do. As i always say ,,,HANG ON & HANG IN ,,,, oh wait,,,no i say HANG IN & HANG ON ,,,,WHEW,,,NOW I,M LOOSING IT
