Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crazy crazy crazy


Ahhhh  Almost bedtime for the kiddies.  Can't wait!  I'm so bummed, I just read that today is National Goof Off Day.  I didn't goof off once today.  Strictly serious.  Note this I will be marking my calendars for next years goof off day. 

Had a mini school conference today for little man.  They basically said he comes three hours a day, maybe 3-4 says a week.  His behavior stinks, he can't focus, behind in his work, hates the teachers etc...... But once he gets a little more stable mentally he should be good.  Hmmmm  Really???? The kicker is as I'm leaving the conference his teacher is walking me to the door, he is in the car with my mom.  I look out and he is shirtless, had a pair of bifocal glasses on, two different winter gloves, one being pink, drinking a coca cola, eating a chocolate bar, waving to us like there is no end in sight.  The teacher and I look at each other, I smile and simply say.......we will see you tomorrow.  Omg!!!!!

Then I get home and I'm out trying to get my lawn mower started, I can see these three people coming down the street on their bicycles.  I am not really paying that much attention than bang.  There is a bicycle accident.  All three collided right in front of my house.  I was like oh my.....are you alright?  I started laughing and laughing.  I kept asking them if they were ok.  The one lady says  ughhhh   I think I sprained my wrist.  I blurt out...well at least you look good.  What in the world was I thinking.   Why would I have said that???  They all look at me like your help is not needed.  I just turned away and slipped back into my house.  About five minutes later an suv shows up, throws the bicycles in, the ladies hop in, and off they go.   Yep I know, crazy stuff! 

Heads up to all you cat lovers.  Tomorrow is cuddle your kitten day!  Meow

Thankful tidbit ......... That little man is sleeping and its 7:30     :)

Until the next time  -  Crazy Mommy  xo

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