Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Good morning!

            Well as crazy mommy gets started, let's start by saying I'm not certifiable!  Some may disagree.  Most days in my life would make you think that I should be, trust me I am just as crazy and stressed as the next mom that does everything!  My day starts off with my youngest getting up at 3:30am. Which he does most days (I will get into that later).  After some ice cream and a few frozen waffles he dozes back off for a few more winks.  Thank God for food comas!  Then getting back up at 5:30 to three disgruntle kids hoping that school would be canceled due to a snow storm that didn't come, or was not even predicted!  I know don't ask!  As I am taking my youngest to school, he blurts out....Are you ever going to get a job and stop being lazy, we need more money in this household? The great morning just keeps rolling on and on.  I start to respond and he blurts out again....And don't say you are a stay at home mom and that is my job!  Because i have asked people and they agree with me, It's not a job!   Let the games begin.  I hold back because , I'm not sure why actually , i just do and simply say.  I love you!  Have a great day!  He responds with whatever I'm out of here and gets out of the car to run into school.  That is my youngest son Finley, he is seven.  He has the diagnosis of Asperger's with sensory issues, and adhd.  He will keep most of you in stitches as this blog rolls on.  On Tuesdays he has a private religion class, so look for those blogs, always a story to be told after that.    
        My new years resolution this year was to try to be thankful for something everyday!  Not really sure  if it's possible.  I'm going to give it a whirl. I'm not one to burst out my resolutions to everyone I see on the streets, because lets be honest, I almost never even keep mine up till February!  I know....yikes.  maybe that is the crazy in me, can't keep up.  I'm off to get my daily stuff done!     

Today's thankful tidbit -  hmmmm   I guess coffee, just because If i didn't have any, i would be so much more crazier!!!! 

                                           Until next time-    Crazy Mommy 


  1. Wow,,you must be a Very strong person to endure this routine daily,,,my hats of to you,,,god bless & keep your head up****
