Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday funday not.


Well the weekend is almost over, and I am tickled.  I have been sick, with bronchitis.  Today was crazy. The girl was at a sleepover till noon today. Then had to take the middle one to a retreat at church for 1st communion.  Then rush home get the kids dinner.  Then take the middle one back to religion class at 6.  Was his last class before he makes his 1st communion next week.  When he came out tonight after it was over, he said awee I'm going to miss  religion.   He can be so sweet. 

So Little man has had alot of med changes the last few months.  The latest one he is on makes him eat like crazy.  Not just want to eat , he is obsessed.  Like crazy obsessed.   He has gained like 15 pounds in a month and a half.  I know!   Needless to say he is and has outgrown so many clothes quickly.  Including his underwear.  He has also gotten his junk back in his trunk.  Big ole booty.  So he is obsessed with WWE wrestling. Everyday he is someone different.  Well today I guess he choose to be someone that wears the little bikini wrestling bottoms.  I was kind of laying down, because I am sick.  He had been playing in his room, then I hear the door bell.  I'm all fuzzy, get up come down stairs and he is talking to the man in the neighborhood that delivers the newsletter.  OMG and he is in his itsy bitsy teenie weenie (no pun intended) bikinis from two years ago. When he was 20 pounds lighter.  And I swear when I say this, it looked like he had a sock stuffed in his private area.  I almost vomited.  I looked a hot mess after basically being in bed for 24 hours.  This man had to think we were part of the clown crew.  I was so embarrassed.  He was out on the porch totally chatting it up with this 70 year old man.  Bulging every where in those undies.  I said don't you ever answer the door in your underwear, let alone those bikinis.   He said like that man has never seen someone in their undies.  I'm sure he hasn't seen a sight like that before. 

Today is National Shrimp Scampi Day.  If you are in to that...... Get cookin.   Tomorrow is appointnent day in cleveland.  Ughhhh  Not feeling it . 

Thankful tidbit ...... Cough suppressant

Until the next crazy time    xo

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Calgon take me away


Wow!!  What a day.  Little man had another appointment in Cleveland this morning .  So we head out about 8:00.  Get on the road, and he is chatting up a strom.  Asking question after question.  If I don't like yellow cars , then does that mean I don't like lemons?  Because he knows I like lemons. They both are yellow.   Can he marry me when he gets older?  He knows the answer is no, but maybe I will change my mind, he says.  Of all the WWE wrestlers who would I like to watch fight?  Then would I want to marry them ?  On and on!!!!!  So I get about 3/4 of the way there, and I get a phone call.  It's the doctors office that we are headed to.  Some very snotty lady says to me , I am just confirming that you know your appt was canceled today.  Ummmm  no I'm almost there.  Well something to do with he had been seeing a psychatrist already in the Cleveland Clinic family, and you can't see two, or ask for a second opinion in the same hospital family .   I flipped my lid.  I said I made this appt last December.  December 13 2011 to be exact.  My son had to see another psych because he was hospitalized and in need of one till we got in to our April appt.  So then she was going to call the dr to see what he can do.  What he can do is see us when we get there in about 20 minutes.  That is what I told her .  I also said I'm on my way you better figure it out, because I DO have an app.  See you soon.  Click!  She calls back says we will see a nurse practioner. I figure whatever , I'm on my way.  As I get there word had obviously gotten out that I was heated.  Needless to say alot of ass kissing.  The appt was in a very old area of the CC.  After we are in the office with the nurse, little man blurts out ......  I'm not sure how you work in this dump.  It stinks and it's dirty.  I go in the bathroom  in the waiting area, and there is a bath tub in there.  Obviously used to be a hospital room or something.  Well this bathtub was so nasty.  It was filled with scum and dirt.  I almost vomited! 

So we leave get home an hour later, rest for about 25 minutes.  Then head to his school for an IEP meeting.  Me and the main teacher were there.  We were waiting for a representative from the other school district.  Waited 45 minutes.  Didn't show!   Ughhhhh 

We leave and are heading back home and little man says .......  Mommy do you like red cars?   Ahhhhhhh   

Thankful tidbit .....   That I am alone in my room.  ;)

Until the next crazy time    xo

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sooo tired.


The girl is at musical theater, and the boys and I are in the car.  It is not going well.  The middle one almost wouldn't even come.  Little man wants to get out and play in the parking lot .   I just want them both to stop arguing with each other about how horrible it is to be here for 45 minutes.    Just hush!!!!!!  To top things off there are 4 goofball girls that are playing tag outside the main door in about a 8 ft area.  Seriously ??  These girls are on my last nerve.  I was aggravated with  their very goofy selves last week.  The whole 45 minutes I was here they were singing some stupid song.  Some of it was in Spanish.   They kept saying the same three or four spanish words.  The one girl was taping them on her phone.  They are screaming and yelling.   I know I need a chill pill, but where are the moms?  The middle one said they are not even cute.  Lol   Now they are climbing on the glass window sills.   Ok.  I'm done!  Sorry.  Things could be worse, they could be drinking hand sanitizer like the tweens are doing in California. 

Little man just fell asleep!  Thank goodness.  He yelled scootchie out the window about 50 times.  Not sure what he meant, but I'm sure it was supposed to rhyme with "scootchie. "

I got my weekly email today from the cub scouts.  Wanting to know if I would be willing to come and help set up for a end of the year party .  Ummmm Nope.  My son is not a cub scout and has never been.  Thanks for asking. 

I totally started a rumor today.  I told my mom I read a magazine today that said Jessica Simpson had her baby, it was a girl, and named it Maxi.   A couple of hours later, I see on twitter, that she can't wait to have her baby.  WTH?  I said I swear I read that, but as crazy as I've been......Who knows.  I even got snippy with a lady while I was looking at the mag.  Some lady says ohhhh you are holding the line up by reading that trash mag.  I said  , well I was wondering what Jessica Simpson named her baby.   She said , oh yea real important stuff.  I snap back,  It is to me.  Who gives a shit.  It didn't effect her.  I had scooted over to the side.     Here the magazine didn't seem to have it right, or they were saying that is how it is going to be.   I even liked the name Maxi.  Whatever!  

Thankful tidbit ...... Musical theater is over.

Crazy mommy is heading home.  Xo

Monday, April 23, 2012

Moody Monday


Ahhhhhh..... Its been a few days.   I definatly did not want to get up today.  I really hate mondays. I like them because the kids are headed back to school , but mondays also mean an hour drive for appointments.  Things were pretty rushed this morning.  I get myself and little man in the car, head down the street and realize I forgot his folder with his medical info. Turn around head back.  Back on the road, and I realize I forgot to leave my daughter her house key.   Turn around again, get home and realize I did leave it.    Then it was super duper windy today.   I was all over the road.  Just  a long monday morning.  The afternoon was better, except for little man got a  kazoo from my mom.  So it was a little loud.  All I could think about was Bobby losing his kazoo on Brady Bunch.  He blamed Cindy, and Tiger the dog did it.  Anyone remember this?   I really loved me some Brady Bunch.   Every time my kids are playing with the ball, I always tell them ....... Mom  always says don't play ball in the house.  Always a lesson to be learned on that show.  

I want all the ladies to keep their chin up on this one.  I heard the percentage of women getting chin implants is on the rise.  This is due to the way ladies look on their phone/skype and their computer chatting.  Ladies are not finding them selves very attractive while chatting.  So they are running out and getting an implant to hopefully make their selves look better.  You can't really be sure though.  What if that is not the answer.  Maybe you just don't look good on camera.  Hmmmm maybe the chin implant is not the answer.

So the girl comes home today and needs three scientific questions that she can ask some big scientist this week at school, while they are skyping him.  Let me think.  I said maybe you can ask him ...... Hmmmm....let me see.   I give up.  Go ask papa, I tell her. I will help the middle one with spelling.  I'm so not good at homework anymore.  Lets be honest, I was never good at homework.  Needless to say they got some good brainy questions. 

It's National Zucchini Day.  They say they choose this day, because people are not sick of zucchini yet.  Good idea.  

Thankful tidbit ..... Sleep time is around the corner.  

Crazy mommy signing off  xo

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chilly but sunny!!!!


Good morning.   A little chilly, but at least the sun is out.   The girl had Spring pictures this morning.  I asked her probably three times last night to get her clothes together.  It didn't happen.  So this morning was pretty crazy.  Every thing she wanted she couldn't find.  Almost every piece of clothing is clean.  It started out being my fault, with one quick look , she actually straightened up.  Little man was freaking out, because he thought he was going to be tardy.  So he was following me around footstep to footstep.   In the mean time the middle one had his shirt on inside out.  Ughhhh   I'm so glad spring break is over, and school is back in.   

How about this lady in the news was getting married, instead of working out the old fashion way .......  She decided to get a feeding tube to lose weight.  Are you friggin kidding me?  The only downfall  they said  is you have bad breath and severe constipation.   Maybe just curb your eating and work out a little.  What is this world coming too? 
As I'm typing this I got an email from weight watchers.  There you go bridezilla's try WW.   Not a feeding tube!  Madness!!

There was a driving instructor in my bf's city that was arrested for drunk driving while teaching children to drive.  Hmmmmm.  What's wrong with this picture?  Drops the kids off at their house or whatever, then got pulled over for being drunk.  Supposed to be teaching the kids what NOT to do.   What are thinking when you go out for a liquid lunch knowing you have to teach driving school in the afternoon?  I guess not thinking.  I would have that persons head on a platter.  Again Madness!

So get your ball s out. (Calm down)   It's  National Jugglers Day.  That is honestly one thing I have always wanted to do.  

I'm off, have a meeting at the school.  Another meeting.  This one is at the middle ones school.  I forgot to tell him.  If he sees me there and he didn't know .... He will be super nervous!   Awee

Thankful tidbit .......  35 minutes of me time this morning  

Until the next time -  Crazy Mommy  xo

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bring on the weather.... :)


Gorgeous day!!  Loving the great weather!  I was just sitting outside in a parking lot, while the middle one was at religion.  I started thinking how quick it all goes.  I swear it feels like I just gave birth to him. Now he is getting ready to make his first communion in three weeks.  He is such a good boy with a soft  heart.   We get home tonight and he looks up at me and he has tears in his eyes and says I feel sorry for people that are blind.   I said yea, it would be hard. He said yep mommy,  I really respect blind people!  He is such a sweetie.  ( this was started sunday)

The girl went to see Titanic 3d this weekend with my dad.  It was the first time she had ever seen the Titanic.  She is in love with the movie.   I was so jealous. I wanted to go also.  Maybe next weekend. 

So I go to the chiropractor this morning, little man is with me.  There is a lady there that helps out part time.  As she is asking me the questions about what is wrong, he blurts out.........  She sure isn't the prettiest lady that works here.  Ughhhh  Second week in a row he has said something about that lady.   To be honest, she isn't very nice or pretty.  I did explain to him that not everyone is as pretty as his mom.  He is going to have to except it.   Lol  

So my neighbor guy is getting driveway laid today.  He is an older man.  He and his neighbor are both out there all morning.  It is the funniest thing.  Everytime these guys measure something or line something up, he and his co hort get up and go over and re measure and check it all out.  These guys doing this work have got to be like WTF?    When I got home from the chiropractor, he waved to me.  I yelled over , are you keeping those guys in line over there?  He says yep!  The worker guy looks at me , like shut the hell up.  Shakes his head and walks away.  

Today is the first day of Spring when the kids can where shorts, capris, etc.....  The middle one walks by the girls room, and she blurts out.......  You are not allowed to wear shorts.  I said yes you can.   No you can't, she responds.  After  a half hour of back and forth, I call the school.   Yep today is the day you are allowed.  I let her know.  She snaps back with , well how was I suppose to know.   Ughhhhh  Monday mornings are tough.  :(   the middle one was happy , he was right and she was wrong.    So then an argument started about that. 

Thankful tidbit  ...........  Spring break is over!

I'm outta here!   CM   xo

PS.    Today is National Librarian Day!  Head to the library to visit your favorite librarian.   I would go to the library, but I have too many things over due. 


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lazy Saturday

4/13/2012  ~    4/14/2012

Friday the 13th.  Well do you believe all the hoopla about this day?  Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.  Just when I think things aren't weird or different on this day,  something totally crazy will happen and make me rethink all my sanity.  

Well the middle kid got home and the girl left at the same time.  I love Spring Break!  Just wish little man was headed to a sleepover.  Lol

It's now 4/14/2012 ......    I fell asleep last night while typing this.  Thats what happens when you try to blog in bed.   After I dozed off last night, I woke up to the start of Silence of the Lambs.  Now that is a blast from the past.  I pretty much watched it all. Then was scared out of my mind.  I hate and always have hated scary movies.  There is something with Silence of the Lambs  that I just can't turn it off.  Maybe it's Anthony Hopkins.  Love him!!  The bf loves scary movies.   All of them, everyone every made.  Last week Michael Myers was on.  I was scared to death.  I took a melatonin just to go to sleep and not wake up.  I've always been a scardy cat. 

Might take the kids to the 3 Stooges movie.  Not my style either, But the kiddos will like it.  I would like to go see Titanic 3d.  I know that ship has sailed. However,  I did hear it was amazing in 3d.  We'll see, I really feel like laying on the couch all day.  ;) 

Is it bad to want to make cupcakes at 7:30 in the morning?  I think that sounds like a delicious breakfast.  Not healthy, but delicious.    I'm sure I will settle for oatmeal.  That does sound good as well.  Little man asked me a yesterday , if I was ever going to be that mom that cooks breakfast for her kids?  Ummmm  No.  WTH?  The girl always eats breakfast at school.  The middle one always eats cereal, with an occasional toast breakfast.  Little man just eats due to his meds. He gets up early and eats different things.  So who would I be cooking for ?  Myself?  I do cook pancakes etc on the weekends.  So I guess I'm sticking with the no, I will probably not be the mom that cooks breakfast for her kids.  :(    Again no MOY award!   

Today is Stop and look at the sky day.   It's a very grey view, however take the time.

Thankful tidbit .......  There is no eggs for cupcakes. 

Until the next time ~   CM

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Another day


Wheeww.... Wednesday was truly a struggle to get through.  I did have all three of my kids under the same roof last night.  However the girl was out playing most of the day.  Then this morning I got a call for the middle one to go play with his favorite cousin. The one he stayed with earlier in the week.  Then my dad called to get him.  He is going straight from there to my dads for the night.  Then the girl gets jealous, thinking she hasn't done much this week.  So she works it out that she will go to my dads when he drops off the middle one.  Then have my dad take her to her friends on saturday for the night.  I know.   It's hard to keep up.  I got dizzy typing it. 

I read in the news today about the "boyzilian".  Which is equal to the woman's brazilian bikini wax.   Now I will be honest, I wouldn't totally rule out a brazilian.  However, I'm not planning one either.  I sure don't want to think about a woman getting one, I'm not even trying to picture it.  So I sure don't want to picture a man getting this done.  It said this is not only popular in the gay world, straight men are getting it done as well.  Yuk! 

This may blow you away ........ Today is Big Wind Day, and it's not even windy.  I saw this day coming for over a week.  I was hoping with all my being that it would be windy as hell.  :(   However it is National Grilled Cheese Day.  In honor of this day, I made myself a delicious grilled cheese and tomato sandwich.  Yum yum. 

So who loves Anderson Cooper?  I do.  I think he is funny, smart and handsome.  He has the most infectious laugh.  Omg  If you have the chance download  Anderson cooper s laugh.   Love It!!!!  On the radio they were playing all these clips of his laughter.  I actually had the biggest smile and was laughing my butt off listening to him.

The girl is wanting my to play Scrabble.  Seriousl  Does she not know that I play Words with Friends all day long.  I get beat all day, but I play.  The worst thing is that I play against little man's teacher.   Beat, beat and beat.  Ughhh   Now I have age requirements.  You have to be under 12 to play me.  Even then things are shaky!!   

Thankful tidbit ......  Grilled cheese day.  Love!

Crazy mommy is heading out into the sunshine.  Xo

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Another sleepover?


Well it's National Sibling Day .......  Uhhhh not in this house.  The boys have fought all day.  Nothing different though.  They always pick at each other, tease , and fight.  The middle guy got home at about 6:40am.  (  I know...   Don't ask!)   By 7:00 am the boys were into an argument over what cereal there was in the cupboard.  Really?  Because one of you doesn't even eat cereal and sure as shit that was the one starting the argument.  The girl was supposed to be picked up today from her sleep over @ 9:45.  She had a chiropractor app.  I get a call of course, asking if she can stay till three to help her friend babysit.   Fine, I will pick you up at 4, I tell her.  I get there to get her, she gets in the car and says ........  Can I go to another friends house?  Wth?  You have been in the car for 10 seconds.   I'm not even kidding 10 seconds is probably pushing it.  I bet it was 7 seconds.   I said for what to play?  Then she is correcting me.  Mom!  We don't say play.  I'm like listen this isn't the Dork Diaries.  Mom ,  that was on Diary of a  Wimpy Kid.  Ughhh  I can't seem to get it right.  Any way she is off to spend the night again.   I guess thats what spring break is for.   :)   

All I heard today was that little man wanted crabby patties ( hamburger s)  for dinner.  So I whip up some crabby patties, and he decides he is allergic to them.  I informed him that everyone who is allergic to crabby patties is also allergic to ice cream.  Since we just bought some ice cream, that would be a true shame if he were allergic to crabby patties.  Well he decided he could probably get  12 bites of CP down.  Whew!  Then he said can we have CP tomorrow?  Ummmm  NO! 

Did you all see the person I believe it was  in Florida, that was giving butt injections?  I have always said if I could get butt implants I would.  Still feel that way, well until today that is.  This person was injecting all sorts of things into these ladies' butts.  She put fat from animals, food, culk, and even cement.   Why you ask???? Because it was the cheaper route to take.  Seriously?  Now this gives a new meaning to junk in the trunk! 

Thankful tidbit .....  That there is ice cream in the house!  ;)

I'm outta here!    CM   xo

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sleep overs rock!


Ahhhh  little man is back to school today.  It is for only 3 hours a day , but still!  Ahhhh  The middle guy went to his cousins house this morning, I guess he is coming home tomorrow morning.  Then I fell asleep took a quick nap. When I woke up the girl had all kinds of options for her.  I said why dont we do something today? She responded with,   well we see each other alot.... So I was thinking I would hang out with some friends.   Ummmm ok!   So it was just little man and myself.  He told me I was pretty much a boring person.  Thanks.  I said what would you want me do that is not so boring.  He said  dancing for one thing. You should dance more often.  Lol   Ok I will get right on that. 

How about the families of the Titanic were going on a remembrance memorial cruise, when high winds picked up.  They ended up canceling the trip.  Good call.  I mean these people have to be a little gun shy anyway.  If I felt my hair blow in the slightest bit, I would be heading for the hills.  We don't need a sequel ! 

Just an FYI , the cub scout meet ing was canceled for this week.  Yep another email. I even got a response last week, that they would remove us from the list.  If I keep getting them, I'm going to call them and ask where our fire and knot tie ing badges are?  And when am I getting my Mom of the Year award for running the great camp out this year.   That will get them moving and maybe we will even get an award out of it. 

Well with two kids at sleep overs, and the other is sleeping, I think I am heading to bed to catch up on my reading!!

Thankful tidbit .......  Sleep overs!

Until the next crazy time -  CM

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!


Happy Easter.  I have been having a few problems with my blog site, I tried to publish a blog on friday and saturday and both wouldn't go through.  Here's hoping this one does.   Fingers crossed!!

So today is Easter.  My kids are so excited.  They are thrilled that their Lenten sacrifices have come to an end.  The girl had given up her ipod.  I honestly believe she never touched it , or anyone else's. She is excited to get it back.  The middle one gave up bubble gum.  Two years in a row he has given this up.  It is a huge deal for him.   He loves his gum.  He can't wait  to start chomping and blow some bubbles.  Little man gave up ice cream.  Didn't go so well.    I am glad my kids  take their sacrifices seriously.  Well the older two.   They really feel it is important after what Jesus sacrificed for us.  It's amazing to watch and listen to kids talk about religion and what they believe.  To see the strength of their beliefs is touching.  Little man is fired up.  He and Sister Mary made a whole scene for Easter weekend.  He was excited to come home today to check his scene to see if Jesus was still in the  tomb.   Nope!  He has risen!!!!! 

Hope everyone has a Happy Easter! 

Crazy mommy is off to hop down the bunny trail...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Come on Friday.......


Good afternoon, and it's been a sunny afternoon. Which makes things so much better!  So almost two years ago my middle guy thinks he wants to join Boy Scouts.  We go to the meeting, listen to what they have to say, get assigned to a group, give them my email, they give us a little box with a kit for a Soap Box Derby cart, popcorn selling info etc.......
After I get home and start realizing ummmm maybe this is going to be a little much.  First of all that Soap Box Derby kit was crazy.  I had no idea where to start, you needed tools, I just couldn't get it. Then there was going to be a big camp out.  Ummmm no.  I talk to my middle guy and ask him if this is really what he wants to do?  He says you know I was thinking , you don't really like camping I better not do it.  Well I was thrilled.  I did explain that me not liking camping doesn't have anything to do with it.  Deep down I was jumping for joy.  So we decide NO on Boy Scouts.  About a week later I get an email on when our Thunder Bear group was going to meet.  ( I'm making up the Thunder Bear name)  I respond to the email, thanks for the info but he is NOT going to do Boy Scouts.  Yesterday, I get an email about some Thunder Bear meeting.   Are you kidding me?  I have been getting emails every two weeks for almost two years.  I have emailed those looney bins probably 20 different times, confirming that my son went to one meeting and never came back.  Thank goodness he didn't go to the great camp out, they think he has been the perfect Boy Scout, and has never even showed his face since the informational meeting.  Ughhhhhh  Get it together Boy of America!!  

The girl had her last JO vb tournament this past weekend.  She played great! Looked better and better every week.  I'm so proud of my little mama.  Even though they are long weekends ..... I am going to miss it.  You start knowing the parents, the kids, alot of bonding goes on.  Then it is over, you feel a little hole of emptiness from it.  We did take the cooper medal this past weekend.  Yep I said it!   COPPER!  Kind of silly, but we got a medal title .  Never really got a medal......  Just a title! 

It's National Tweed Day.  Don't you think they have that day in November....when wearing Tweed is in style.  We are a few weeks away from wearing white pants or shorts.  I go busting out in my tweed s  and people are looking at me, like get over it.  Winter is gone!  So I suggest a skip on this one! 

Thankful tidbit ......   Sunny days!   :)

I'm outta here!      Crazy mommy xo

Monday, April 2, 2012

Support Autism!!!!!


Hello, hello, hello........ It's Autism Awareness Month.  Today is light it up blue, for Autism awareness. Hopefully more and more people can become aware of this disease and what it does to individuals and families.  It is  life long issues and changes.  Just when you think you may have your child , meds, IEP's figured out...... It changes.  It's difficult on everyone in the family,  especially siblings that don't always get it.  They have to sacrifice alot because of their sibling. There are things we cannot do or places we cannot go.  It is just too much of an overload for that sensory overloaded child.  My other two children have to give up and sacrifice things for little man.  It's hard, because as much as they love him....... They can hate him just as quick.  It's only because they don't always understand.  My heart breaks for my child with the disease, and for my children without.   We have a long tough life ahead of us.  Thank goodness I have the strongest extended support group.  My parents are amazing.  They are the only ones that can really handle little man sometimes.  I appreciate everything they do to help and support.  Sometimes the support is just a phone call, a letter in the mail, a look , or keeping him for a few hours, a night, or a weekend.  It's difficult for them as well.  Thats where my strength starts, from them! Thank you mom and dad for believing in me.  When I think I don't have it in me, you make me believe that I do.   My extended family is also fabulous......  My aunts are so supportive and offer so much love.  I know lately little man consumes me, and our family conversations.  It doesn't matter!  They sit and listen and cry with me,  thanks to them as well.  To my fly girls that listen and get it!  Thanks.  I have not been a good friend lately, but your support is appreciated.   I have a boyfriend that has no kids.  For him to be in a relationship with a girl that has 3, let alone one with alot of major issues, is huge! It's difficult for him to understand sometimes what to do .  His support and love gets me through certain days.  Xo
I learned quickly that if you don't defend and advocate for your child, nobody will! They will be left behind and left out.  I know my defense for my child will never end.  I will fight for him and his disease until I feel I don't have too.  I will also fight to help my other children understand the disease more and more, and make them aware of disabilities on a daily basis. 

Thankful tidbit..... I am thankful for little man, without him I would probably never know how strong and persistant I could be. 

Until next time .....  Crazy mommy  xo