Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bring on Friday


Well...... Here we are another thursday has come and gone.  I had so many things I wanted to get done today, then little man got removed from school at 10:00am.  So needless to say I didn't get everything done that I wanted.  I'm not sure whats going on with him.  He had started doing pretty well.  Then he took a quick slippery ride down to bad ville.   One step forward three big steps back.  Frustrating. 

So has anyone seen the front page of the Time magazine?  A woman with her boob out, breastfeeding her three year old son, who is standing on a chair to reach the boob.  Omg!  I was actually speechless.  I just dont understand why women want to breastfeed that long.  I personally feel it's borderline gross at that point.  Maybe because breastfeeding did not go well or work out for me.  Ummmm actually no I would never ever breastfeed that long.  Creepy! 

So had to take the middle one to the dr this morning.  He was having some allergy issues.  He also has been complaining alot and crying about his back and neck hurting.  I have felt bad and been trying to figure out what is hurting him.  The doctor informed us that he has grown 3 1/2 inches since December 15, and gained no weight.  So basically it is growing pains. He is stretched to the max right now.  Even his elbows are throbbing.  I felt bad for him.  He is struggling with growing pains and the girl is struggling with her head gear for her braces.  I mean you would have thought  she was the only one that ever has had to deal with this.  She did inform me that I don't know what it's like, because I did not have braces.  Well she is wrong!  Kind of.  When my cousin and I were in 4th and 5th grade we would get paper clips, open them up and straighten them out.  Then we would put them across our teeth like a retainer.  WTF....i know.  I believe I even had my retainer ( paper clip) in for a school picture.  They didn't always feel good.  So I do know that pain.  Sort of!  As I got older , dentist s would say ..... Oh did you ever have braces or a retainer?  Ummmm kind of.  I really wanted braces as a kid.  I always had nice straight teeth.  Even straighter after my years of retainer s.  

Thankful tidbit.  That it is National Clean Your Room Day.  Kept the kiddos busy tonight!  Woop woop

Good night.  Crazy mommy is zzzzzz

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