Monday, May 21, 2012

Headaches stink :(


Good morning.....
Its a drizzly grey morning.  Which I hate, but when you are packing up a house, you feel alot less guilty for  being in the house.

       Its the kids last week of school.   As much as I don't want them home and bored all summer, it will be nice to not get up and start running like crazy right off the bat.   I was up from about 4 am listening to those loud chirping birds.  I love that my windows were open, but I hate being woke up listening to a bunch of birds conversing. Crazy mommy with a headache had a crazy house this morning.

I was dropping little man off at school this morning, and I see tons of parents going into the school. Hmmmm I'm hoping I didn't forget about something.  I even had pj bottoms on.  I never wear something like that.  I was just running so late I hopped in the car.  Next thing I realize is i'm in my pj bottoms.  My biggest pet peeve!!  So I couldn't go into the school to figure out what was going on, because I was inappropriately dressed.  :(    I'm sure I will get an ear full when he gets out at 11am. 

Had the girl's recital this weekend.  Went really good.  She did wonderful.  I was so proud of her.   Several people came up to me and told me how good she was.   It was a long one though.  I think there was 45 numbers.  Overall it was good!   Both boys were glad they didn't have to go.  So was I .  The whole time I was thinking thank goodness they are not here.  That  would have been a true nightmare.  Someone told me at the one showing there were two parents with two young er children with them.  They said the kids yelled, fought, and kicked their chairs the whole time.  My friend said she turned around and gave them a look a few times.  Then asked the mom to please stop the child from kicking the chair.  Then the mom got offended and snapped some bullshit comment to her.   I mean seriously.  Who are these people that think their children are entitled to do and say what they want.   Like its totally ok that those kids were kicking someones chair.  If for some reason you absolutely cannot find a sitter, then one parent should stay home with the kids, then another parent go to the other showing. Sometimes that is not workable either.  I understand.  Kids should not be allowed to do these things, because the parent doesn't want to upset them or whatever bullshit excuse these parents use.  The parents are supposed to be in charge.  Not the kids.  If the kids think they are, they need to be reminded firmly that they are not!      Afternoon Rant !!

Thankful tidbit......  My kids were not at the recital. 

Crazy mommy is off to finish packing up my house. 

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