Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Does it ever end?


Does the craziness ever end?  I think not.  After little man being in the hospital and my kids being shuffled around like a deck of cards for a week, I had to take the middle guy to the doctor this morning for a sinus infection and some junky sounding lungs!   It just seems to never slow down.  Just when I think that I just about have this thing figured out.  BAM  something else pops up or it takes off  in high gear again.   What can you do?  Just keep on chugging!  That is what I tell myself .   Just keep on chugging crazy mom! 

I go to the library today, there was a book I wanted to check out.  I get to the desk and the librarian says to me, " Did you know you have 6 items out and 5 of those items were due last friday? "   WTF???? Uhhh no I did not think I had any items out, Miss. Librarian.  I play it off, like oh my goodness I totally left them on the table.  Deep down I'm thinking ......I'm screwed!   I get home and start tearing the house apart looking for..... I'm not sure what I'm looking for, because I couldn't ask her what I had out.    I found one book under a bed, two in my magazine rack, a computer game in the basement, and a movie in the car.   The kicker is.....the movie never even left the car. The computer game wasn't  ever played. The two books in the magazine rack should never had been rented.  One was how to coach hockey. The other was how to coach baseball.  Two adult books.  Where was I when they were renting these items. That's right , I was standing right next to   them, handing these yo yo's my library card !  Whats up with the "librarian" anyway?  Do they still get called librarian? What name is politically correct  for the library workers?  Like the stewardess.  Now they are flight attendants. Don't make that mistake.  I made that mistake once, no peanut packets for that  two hour flight!  Luckily I drank my way through the flight! 

Thankful tidbit....library fees are fairly cheap!!

Until next time -  Crazy Mommy is outta here!   

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