Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Monday!


It's monday that is for sure.  The girl had  a vb tournament again.  First game they got drilled.  The girl again didn't do so well.  I was really getting turned off by this sport.  ( the sport I never played)   Next game comes, they start looking better and so does the girl.  I can see it is starting to click with her.  Whew.  Another tournament this weekend .  Hopefully they will win a few!     Go Devils! 

Little man had several appointments today in  Cleveland.  It is all going pretty well at first.   Then he got upset about something.  It was all down hill from there.  Quickly!!!   It was a very intense emotional day.  Lots and lots of tears.  There is very few smooth days in my life anymore.  Some days I wonder if it will ever calm down.  I truly think no!  I keep praying that it will become calmer.  When you have a child that has several issues, It is difficult to treat.  As upset or angry that he makes me some days .  I always end with the thought that he didn't ask for this life with Aspergers, Sensory issues, ADHD,  and possibly more diagnosis. As weak and inpatient that I  can be, I know that I really need to be the strongest person he knows.  And I will.  

The  middle one is extremely happy that it is National Polar Bear Day. He loves animals.  He asked what do we do on this day.  Ummmmm  I guess you just read a book about Polar Bears.  Wasn't the answer he was looking for I guess.  He just stared at me and went up to his room.  Came back down a little while later and said ......I don't even have a book about Polar Bears.  Hmmmmm  I said just make a story up in your head.   Another long stare.   I should never have said anything.  Note to self!  

Thankful tidbit........   To be home after a very long day!

Crazy mommy is a tired mommy     zzzzzzz

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