Thursday, March 15, 2012

Animal Kingdom


It's Thursday, one more day closer to weekend.  Yahooo.  Except I think I'm getting a cold.  :(    I'm so not happy about that.  However I think I have a new drink.  My mom brought a drink over last night to calm my nerves, she didn't say that but I'm sure thats what it was about.  Anyway its Tequila and Fresca.  Yummy.  I'm not a big Tequila girl, but......  I think I will definatly try a vodka\ fresca.  Sounds refreshing!  

So the middle kid wanted to go to the book fair last night.  This whole book fair discussion has been going on since Saturday or Sunday.  He has been driving me crazy about how much money can he have, if I dont have the money on Tuesday I will have to take him on Wednesday night (which is something I don't want to do).  So bright and early Tuesday morning he is asking how much money....I go to my very light wallet and realize I only have $5.00 in cash and one of those were ripped.  So after I tape it back together he is disappointed that he can only have that much.  I tell him I will get some cash today and give you a little more tomorrow.  Fine.  He comes home with a book, pretty sure he will never read it. I give him some more money on Wednesday morning.  He comes home and says when are we going to the book fair?  WTH???  I asked didn't you go down to the book fair today ? No, for some reason we were only allowed to go on tuesday.....ughhhh  which means we were headed there last night.  All evening he is asking and asking.  I totally try to get out of it.  Had a very long afternoon with little man and his behavior antics, so I wasn't feeling it.  The girl had vb, had to pick her up.  Between dinner, laundry and wanting a Tequila and Fresca  I started feeling guilty.  Lets go I say.  Whew..... Glad we did .  I believe we were the last customers before they closed up shop.  He ends up getting this animal book of some sort.  Looked like alot of animal info.  He then wants to lay with me as I'm heading to bed and tell me all about it.  After an hour of animal kingdom, I tell him it's bedtime.  Five minutes later he is in my room crying that those spiders we had been looking at for all evening long scared him.  He was frightened and scared that they were going to come into his bed.  Ughhhhh  Ok  you can lay with me for awhile , I tell him. Which turned into all night. 

Ncaa basketball tournament  begins today.  Love it!  Go Kentucky Wildcats!  Go Ohio State Buckeyes!    Good Luck!  Maybe I will make a Fresca drink. 

Enjoy National Buzzards Day.

Thankful tidbit .........  Beautiful weather and allergy meds.  

Take some time to enjoy the view.  Xoxo
Crazy mommy

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever get another 'Fresca" ,,those tough boys,,,well they want to be .hang in & hang on Crazy Mommy,,,,,
