Monday, March 12, 2012

Crazy !!


Hope everyone is enjoying Alfred Hitchcock Day!  Seriously it is.  I would be enjoying one of his movies, however I'm not a big suspense movie kind of girl.  I will never forget I watched The Birds when I was pregnant with the girl.  I have not liked, and have almost been creeped out by birds ever sense.  That movie was soooooo creepy and weird.  Ughh   Some people love that sound of that little innocent bird chirping outside on the fence.  Me, I think I hear that chirp, they will be pecking at the window any minute. 
Had alot of running to do today.  Took little man to his monday appointments about an hour away.  Had to take the girl, because she had an orthodontist appointment on the way home.  Then little man had another appointment at 3:30.  The 3:30 appointment was with one of his psychatrist.  We are in the appointment, and he proceeds to tell the doctor that I am a nutjob and I'm crazy.  The doc says well she is in the right place.   Considering we are at the psych hospital.  We then had to explain that somehow we had one of his stuffed animals when we got home last week after our/his app.  Which was embarrassing.  The dr says hmmmm I didn't even know that was missing or I even had that.  Open mouth insert foot.  Anyway he knows now about my sons sticky fingers. 

The middle one wants to know when he can have his own room.......Is he kidding me with that?  He has asked me this question about 50 times in the last two months.  What the heck !?  He then says , well can I have a basketball hoop?   Ummmmm maybe.   It just doesn't end.   

Thankful tidbit .......  That tomorrow is Jewel Day!    Yea!!

Crazy mommy is  well..... Crazy.  Xo

1 comment:

  1. Alfred,weird dud.And birds ar,nt really scarey.must be something from your childhood,maybe you should have ask Dr.Psychatrist about this problem....just kidding.And is it Jewel the singer?? i like her .hehe
