Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Calgon take me away


Wow!!  What a day.  Little man had another appointment in Cleveland this morning .  So we head out about 8:00.  Get on the road, and he is chatting up a strom.  Asking question after question.  If I don't like yellow cars , then does that mean I don't like lemons?  Because he knows I like lemons. They both are yellow.   Can he marry me when he gets older?  He knows the answer is no, but maybe I will change my mind, he says.  Of all the WWE wrestlers who would I like to watch fight?  Then would I want to marry them ?  On and on!!!!!  So I get about 3/4 of the way there, and I get a phone call.  It's the doctors office that we are headed to.  Some very snotty lady says to me , I am just confirming that you know your appt was canceled today.  Ummmm  no I'm almost there.  Well something to do with he had been seeing a psychatrist already in the Cleveland Clinic family, and you can't see two, or ask for a second opinion in the same hospital family .   I flipped my lid.  I said I made this appt last December.  December 13 2011 to be exact.  My son had to see another psych because he was hospitalized and in need of one till we got in to our April appt.  So then she was going to call the dr to see what he can do.  What he can do is see us when we get there in about 20 minutes.  That is what I told her .  I also said I'm on my way you better figure it out, because I DO have an app.  See you soon.  Click!  She calls back says we will see a nurse practioner. I figure whatever , I'm on my way.  As I get there word had obviously gotten out that I was heated.  Needless to say alot of ass kissing.  The appt was in a very old area of the CC.  After we are in the office with the nurse, little man blurts out ......  I'm not sure how you work in this dump.  It stinks and it's dirty.  I go in the bathroom  in the waiting area, and there is a bath tub in there.  Obviously used to be a hospital room or something.  Well this bathtub was so nasty.  It was filled with scum and dirt.  I almost vomited! 

So we leave get home an hour later, rest for about 25 minutes.  Then head to his school for an IEP meeting.  Me and the main teacher were there.  We were waiting for a representative from the other school district.  Waited 45 minutes.  Didn't show!   Ughhhhh 

We leave and are heading back home and little man says .......  Mommy do you like red cars?   Ahhhhhhh   

Thankful tidbit .....   That I am alone in my room.  ;)

Until the next crazy time    xo

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